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Central Park Carriage Ride

Our visit to NYC was a lot of fun, and we did a lot of walking, so at the end of the day, the idea of taking a carriage ride through Central Park seemed like a good choice to us. I was afraid that it would be really cold, since it was during Christmas time, but surprisingly, it was pretty comfy inside the carriage with the provided blankets. Our coachmen and guide provided a lot of information about Central Park’s attractions during the ride. According to him, horse-drawn carriages are a symbol of pre-modern life in New York City. Over time, horses remained an iconic symbol of New York City along with the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, the Statue of Liberty and the street-side performers. Our guide also pointed out places in the park made famous by Hollywood films. We didn’t see the whole park. The place is huge: 843 acres filled with many interesting places to see. We just enjoyed our ride and took some pictures.


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